for trombone quartet | 8โ€™ | 2020

Instrumentation - 3 Tenor Trombones | Bass Trombone

Premiered & recorded by the Fullerton Four (Chris Nadar, Ethan Warren, Cameron Randall & Carter Woosley) at Elmhurst University



Program Notes

SLIDES OVER MATTER was a practice in combining different textures, dynamic contour and contrast, and utilizing the main reason why the trombone is so cool: the slide. The disjointing patterns in the beginning are often met with abrupt dynamic shifts and jolts, creating an almost off-putting tensive feel. The blasting chords are suddenly halted by such a slow glide downwards, finding a moment of serenity within the abrasion. The interjections return, and bring us toward an echoing finale of slides ablaze, blasting to glory.

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